An Ecobardic Manifesto: a vision for the arts in a time of environmental crisis – Firesprings

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What is the raison d’être of the arts in an age of global ecological crisis? In this audacious document, Fire Springs present a new vision for the arts, one that holds together commitment to artistic integrity and craftsmanship with responsiveness to the peculiar challenges of our time. Foremost among those challenges are the strained relationship between human beings and the ecosystem we inhabit and the vital need to sustain empathy for that which is other than ourselves. Fundamental to the arts’ task in such an age is a willingness to embrace contradiction, not least the deepening polarisation between scientific and economic materialism and metaphysical sources of meaning and hope. This pamphlet is a clarion call to everyone working in the arts today who wants their efforts to make a difference.

Fire Springs = Anthony Nanson, Kevan Manwaring, David Metcalfe, Kirsty Hartsiotis, and Richard Selby

‘makes its case very well indeed’
Lindsay Clarke


‘a deep and inspiring document’
Molly Scott Cato


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Weight 0.04 g
SKU BO_AEM_1095 Category